Beers, which have been assessed by the Cheltenham Tasting Panel –
Cotswold Lion Brewery
Beer | ABV % | OG | How the brewery describes it on their website. | How the Tasting Panel describes it. |
Golden Fleece | 4.4 | 1044 | Golden IPA. A full flavoured citrusy ale. | Pours bright gold. Fresh grassy hop aroma with honey and orangey notes. English hops with a pronounced bitter taste. Malty with some hedge fruits, heather, straw, and honey. Refreshing with soft hops and a long, satisfying drying bitterness. A well-balanced Pale Ale. |
Best In Show | 4.2 | 1042 | Tawny best bitter with satisfying autumn fruit flavours. | Light aroma with some spicy hop notes. Thin bodied. Initial malt flavour with light bitterness, and some hop character, and hedge fruits. A long drying hoppy aftertaste. |
Shepherds Delight | 3.6 | 1036 | Crisp light, golden ale with a refreshing clean citrus flavour. | Light in colour for a Session Bitter. Malt flavours are light but balanced with a refreshing English hop character. Bitterness diminishes slightly in the aftertaste with a long drying finish. Thin bodied, but a thirst-quenching session beer. |
Hogget | 3.8 | 1039 | Copper session ale with a fruity bitterness and clean finish. | Awaiting information. |
Drovers Return | 5.0 | 1050 | Ruby coloured premium bitter, full of malt and fruit flavours. | A dark red/brown Premium Bitter. Spicy, malty, with some caramel on the nose. Good malty flavour with roast, nutty and chocolate notes. Bramble, raisins, and dark fruits dominate. This is balanced with a light hoppyness. Bitterness develops on the aftertaste, and this leads to complex dark fruit, malt, and drying hops. This continues into a long-lasting, dry, satisfying fruitiness. |

Tel: 01242 870164.